About Network Spinal
Network Spinal previously known as Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), is a chiropractic technique that focuses on the relationship between the spine, the nervous system, and the body’s overall well-being. Developed by chiropractor Dr. Donald Epstein, Network Spinal is considered a form of chiropractic care that goes beyond traditional chiropractic adjustments.
The key principle of Network Spinal is the idea that the spine is a dynamic structure that reflects the overall state of the nervous system. Practitioners of Network Spinal use a gentle, low-force touch to specific points along the spine, known as “spinal gateways.” These light touches are intended to cue the nervous system to develop new strategies and enhance the communication between the brain and the body for dealing with stress and tension.
The goal of Network Spinal is not just to relieve physical symptoms but also to promote a greater awareness of the body and enhance its ability to self-regulate. Many people who receive Network Spinal care report improvements not only in physical symptoms but also in their emotional well-being and overall quality of life.
how Network Spinal works
Network Spinal is to help the nervous system develop new strategies for dealing with stress and tension, promoting self-regulation as well as overall well-being.
Spinal Gateways: Network Spinal practitioners focus on specific points along the spine called “spinal gateways.” These are areas where the nervous system is particularly responsive to gentle touches.
Low-Force Touch: Instead of the forceful adjustments commonly associated with traditional chiropractic care, Network Spinal involves gentle and precise touches to these spinal gateways. The practitioner uses a light touch to cue the nervous system and create a response.
Somatopsychic Response: The light touches are intended to elicit a somatopsychic response, which means a response involving both the body (soma) and the mind (psyche). This response may involve the release of tension, improved spinal flexibility, and increased body awareness.
Reorganization of Tension Patterns: Through a series of Network spinal sessions, the nervous system is encouraged to reorganize its tension patterns. This process helps the body develop greater coherence, and more adaptive and efficient ways of responding to stress.
Levels of Care: Network Spinal is often provided in different levels of care. In the initial stages, the focus may be on developing awareness and releasing tension. As care progresses, individuals often experience a greater sense of well-being and improved overall health.
Patient Involvement: Clients are often encouraged to actively participate in their healing process. This may involve paying attention to their body’s responses, practicing specific breath or movement exercises, and making lifestyle changes that support their well-being.
The timeline for experiencing improvements can vary widely from person to person. Several factors can influence when someone notices improvements with Network Spinal, including the individual’s health condition, the severity of symptoms, and how consistently they receive Network Spinal care. Some people may notice positive changes after one or two sessions, while others may require more time.